Tuesday 24 November 2015

Liebster Award

So I was nominated by http://www.abigailjessicax.com to do the Liebster award. I'm very sorry about the lack of posts recently, I have been incredibly busy with mock exams!

The rules for this award are...

1. Post a link back to the blogger who nominated you. 

2. Answer the 10 questions that the person who nominated gave you.

3. Nominate 10 bloggers (or blogs).

4. Give your nominees a set of 10 new questions for them to answer.

5. Also don't forget to include the Liebster award sticker in your post.

Abbie's questions to me were:

1. What is something new that you have tried/done recently and you loved?
So recently I went up to London to do this performing arts day with NYMT. I have done performing arts since I was 4 years old but I wanted to try something new and it was one of the best things I have done and was so much fun! 

2. Favourite place to go and have your own time?
My favourite place to go is my room, quite simply because it contains things I love a has a homely feel to i.

3. When you were younger what did you aspire to be when you're older.
When I was younger I didn't really know what I wanted to be. I wasn't a child that had a clear idea of what I wanted to become but I went through a (very) short phase of about 3 days that I wanted to be a police woman. 

4. What is the best book that you have read this year and why?
Looking for Alaska, It's incredibly well written and I loved reading it! 

5. What  is one thing that you love about yourself?
There is nothing I really love about myself, it's always hard to self criticise and pick out a particular credential.

6. If you weren't a human, then what animal would you be?
If I wasn't a human, I'd be a koala because they are cute and I really love them :) 

7.  Have you ever saved someones life before/had your life saved... explain!
Yes (well almost). My friend got stuck in a toilet in her house and the pizza was in the oven and after about over an hour I got a call and loads of messages from her family (who were out of the house) asking me to go and help her and that it should be easy because the back door and gate were open. I had to run over to her house as I was on a dog walk at the time and I went to open the back gate but it was locked so I jumped the fence only to find that the back door was also locked. After that there wasn't much I could do so I spoke to her through the bathroom window and we hoped that the pizza didn't set on fire! Then her step dad came home to open the door and luckily no one was hurt!

8. If you were stuck in an elevator with a celebrity who would it be and why?
Jeremy Taylor (actor from Wicked) he is kind, funny and would keep me calm in that terrifying situation and I can sing Wicked :) 

9. Who is your main inspiration in day to day life?
I'm not sure! different people inspire me every day :) 

10. Why did you start your blog? 
To share my ideas, give my opinion and improve my writing :) 


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