Monday 7 December 2015

Performing at the Adelphi Theatre - Blogmas Day 7!

So there was no blog posts this weekend because I was preparing and rehearsing for a performance I did on Sunday at the Adelphi Theatre! Today I'm going to tell you about my weekend and how I prepared for my weekend! 

On Saturday morning myself and my two friends from drama went down to our local shopping centre to grab food, leaving presents for some of our teachers and last minute things such as makeup wipes etc. We then had pizza before going to our drama club. It was the last week before we broke up for the Christmas holidays so we were preparing for our show and doing other christmas based activities! We finished in the evening and went back to my house to pack our bags for the next day. In my bag I packed: Makeup, costume, tracks, leggings, jazz shoes, food, sweets, chocolate, drinks. 

Sunday began with an early start at 6am and we got the coach up to London and we went to a small cafe before getting into the theatre. I had a strawberry milkshake. We then went inside the theatre and ran through our tech rehearsal. A few of us had microphones put on to project sound for solos so the audience could hear sufficiently. 

We then went to our dressing rooms after watching Act 2's tech rehearsal and began to do hail and makeup for our dress run. I curled my hair, tied it half up half down and wore an oversized brown top for the character that I was playing (Anastasia). After finishing our dress rehearsal we prepared for the final show. It was one of the best experiences and I love performing in London. I didn't like performing on this particular stage as much as I did at Her Majesty's however it was a close second and as I said was a great day! 

I'm sorry this was a rambly post and I can't put photo's up because some people may not want to appear on my blog, but I wanted to ensure I continued with Blogmas after my two day break. Over the next week I have to prepare for a french controlled assessment so I will definitely post for each Blogmas day however they may not get posted until Thursday And Friday! Leave a comment if you have ever performed at the Adelphi Theatre and what you thought of it!


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